- Education Services Overview
- Early Intervention
- Preschool Program
- School Age Program
School Age Program delivers specialized services in a safe environment
The Children’s Center’s School Age Program serves children ages 5 to 21. The comprehensive educational and therapeutic services are designed to meet the needs of students with developmental disabilities who require specialized services outside their home school district.
Learning life skills through a multi-disciplinary approach
Our curriculum focuses on functional like skills and activities of daily living. The School Age program provides innovative, child-centered planning under the direction of a certified teacher in collaboration with our multi-disciplinary team of professionals.
Small group and one-on-one instruction is provided as needed by our certified Masters-level teachers. Needed therapeutic services are provided by New York State licensed therapists.
Our 10-month school year and 6-week summer programs include:
- A progressive, function based curriculum
- Adaptive physical education
- Occupational therapy
- Speech/language therapy
- Specially designed instruction
- Evaluations
- Skilled nursing
- Social work
- Psychology
- Family training
- Vision